Earth Block Homes
Did you know that 3 billion people worldwide currently live in
compressed earth block homes? Compressed earth block (CEB) is
very old technology as it has been around for thousands of years.
But, we, in our first world nation, are rarely aware of any building
materials outside of concrete and lumber.
Modern Compressed Earth Block Home
But as our natural resources are quickly depleting and our homes
and vehicles are damaging our planet more than ever, it's time
for a change. If you have one green, eco or environmentalist bone
in your body, or just want to save money, then you'll soon realize
that compressed earth block homes are not only the past, but the
future of our society and one should take into consideration the
benefits that they offer.
First off, what is a compressed block home? How can one go about
building one? Are they expensive? Relax and sit tight. This article
will address these questions and will explain any lingering doubts
you have.
With that said, let's begin
What are Compressed Block Homes?
To put simply, a compressed block home is a house which is built
from compressed earth blocks. These blocks are made from soil
and contain about 15-percent clay, making them a natural tool
for building. The soil itself is generally gathered from the building
site itself upon the creation of the house (65-percent of the
planet's soil can be used for this process).
You see, compressed earth block homes are "earth-friendly"
and you don't have to be a "hippie" or a "tree
hugger" to own or build one. That misconception is why so
many have avoided even considering them in the first place. Earth
block homes do not have to be dirty dwellings. They can be as
clean and as modern as your architect's imagination.
What are the Benefits?
The benefits of compressed earth block homes are almost endless.
For one, you will have increased health. Compressed earth blocks
are nature's renewable, non-toxic material. They aren't harmful
to breath in and don't endanger your health like some building
materials can.
Also, earth block homes are much more
affordable than standard homes which take thousands of dollars
in shipping and building costs. With compressed earth blocks,
you can still have a nice home without having to empty out
your pockets.
Another thing I like about these homes is that they are energy
efficient. Compressed earth block homes don't require as much
energy in heating and cooling saving you money. As you can see,
the benefits of this eco-friendly home are convincing.
Building Costs and Time
You average compressed earth block home requires about 5,000
compressed earth blocks. This sounds like a lot however; with
the right tools you can produce up to 800 per day (assuming you
had a crew of at least seven people). Do the math and it should
take somewhere around a week to build your compressed earth block
home which is a lot less time than your standard home.
As for pricing, you can build one for less than $20,000. The
main thing you are paying for is the labor required to actually
place the blocks on top of one another. If saving money is your
goal, would you rather spend $500,000 on a home that takes a year
to build, or spend less than $40,000 on one which takes less than
a month to build? The answer is almost self-evident.
Of course, you can also go upscale and eco at the same time.
Depending upon the plans and design for your CEB home, you can
have a standard frame, and standard outer and inner shell if you
like. The compressed earth blocks could simply be used for wall
Another option is to use compressed earth blocks for your home's
structure and cover the outside with clay or natural mixtures.
You can combine the Adobe style or the Sante Fe style home with
earth blocks.

Or you can go very modern and upscale and incorporate earth blocks
into one section of your home. The green architects of today's
world have come up with many interesting sets of plans and designs
for compressed earth block homes. Or of course you can commission
an architect for a totally customized job.
Compressed Earth Block Homes aren't making a comeback as they
never left. Our ancestors have been building them since the beginning
of time because they understood the benefits. Compressed earth
block homes however are making a comeback in first world nations
since many green-spirited individuals who are also budget minded
see the many advantages of incorporating Mother Nature into home.